AGHF is Growing!
Within every non-profit there is hope. Hope that together we can lift others. Hope in the future. Hope that this good will grow. Today we get to share with you that it is! We are growing!
It is because of you that we are able to help more girls than ever before! We wanted to share this exciting news!
Every donation matters. Every dollar counts. With your generous donations last year we have been able to accept 59 more girls and help them go to school!
We have grown from 182 girls to 241!
For every girl who is now able to go to school this is incredible and life changing. Now each of these girls can not only achieve their dreams, but their influence will ripple out to their neighborhoods, communities, and yes, to the world!
African Girls Hope Foundation:
241 African refugee and orphan Girls are going to school with help from AGHF
137 girls going to schools in Kenya
101 girls going to schools in the Dominican Republic of the Congo
3 girls going to school in Burundi
74 local schools
48 schools throughout Kenya
25 schools throughout the Dominican Republic of the Congo
1 school in Burundi
We are absolutely thrilled that 59 more girls are able to go to school this year! This is amazing!
Sometimes reading statistics can be nails on a chalkboard, but other times it can be music to our ears. This time it is music! For in these numbers are girls. One by one, each of them matter. Every number is a life, a smile, a look, determination, someone who’s world is opening up!
Thank you to all who join us as we stand up for girls’ education.