Frequently Asked Questions

infographic of African Girls Hope Foundation

Why support girl’s education in Africa?

According to UNESCO – “Across the continent, 9 million girls between the ages of about 6 and 11 will never go to school at all, compared to 6 million boys, according to UIS data. Their disadvantage starts early: 23% of girls are out of primary school compared to 19% of boys. By the time they become adolescents, the exclusion rate for girls is 36% compared to 32% for boys.” 

Girls education is a priority, and we at AGHF want to positively impact the lives of girls and young women eager to get an education and empower themselves and their communities.

How old are the girls you support?

We support girls ages 8 to 22 years old. Most girls receiving our education scholarships are in primary and secondary schools. Currently, 21 girls are attending college.

How many Countries are you in?

We currently provide education scholarships to girls living in 5 countries in Africa.

  • Kenya, Burundi, Rwanda, Uganda, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

When is the school year?

  • Schools in the DRC, Rwanda & Uganda: School starts in September and ends in July.

  • Schools in Kenya: School starts in January and ends in December.

Can you break down the Full AGHF Scholarship?

Education is not free in Africa. For one girl to attend school, it costs $1,164/year.

The cost contains 5 parts. All are vital in helping the girls walk through school doors every day and succeed.

  1. School fees(tuition): Each school varies, but most require entrance fees, exam fees, lunch, and transportation fees. Secondary schools (High Schools) are all boarding schools.

  2. School supplies & a backpack: Children must bring their own backpacks and school supplies. We help provide the tools they need to succeed.

  3. School Uniforms and school shoes: These must be purchased before school starts - each school has its own unique uniform.

  4. Feminine hygiene & health supplies keep girls in school every day. We provide feminine pads and other hygiene products along with emergency health aid.

  5. AGHF adult mentors - support, guide, and help each girl succeed in her education.

How can I add to the African Girls Hope endowment fund?

Leave a legacy that never stops sending orphan and refugee girls to school.

How can I donate?

We offer several safe and secure ways to help fund girls’ education.

  • Credit cards: Simply donate here on our website.

  • Checks can be sent to our Post Office Box: PO Box 1535, Cumming GA 30028

  • DAF: We accept checks through bank drafts.

    You will receive a receipt for each donation as a 501(c)(3).

Fund an education, and you fund a life.
— Dr Grace Farja Nkundabantu
Dr Grace Faraja Nkundabantu of Afrian Girls Hope Foundation supporting girls education in Africa