Mentors for Every Girl
AGHF is different because we do not simply write a check and send it to Africa - we help them succeed.
We have full time staff in Africa who work one on one with the girls.
We know how important it is to have an adult that believes in you!
Mentors help place girls in local schools. They also create positive relationships with teachers and staff at these schools. During the school year the mentors will visit the schools and ensure each girl is thriving.
It is a proven fact that youth who have an adult mentor in their life have a much greater chance of succeeding in their education.
At AGHF hosted events workshops are taught and the girls have a chance to learn about basic topics such as peer pressure, mental health, etc.
School pressure, home responsibilities and past traumas can be overwhelming for these girls.
AGHF mentors organize large events twice a year to bring the girls together from all the different schools they attend.
At these events the girls are able to make friends, learn skills and find support.
Adults who care and believe in each girl.
Your Donations
AGHF mentors purchase and disperse all the educational donations made for each girl.
We are grateful for their hard work as they ensure the girls have the correct uniform, school supplies & hygiene products needed.
Full Education Scholarships
Removing 5 Barriers that stop girls from going to school
School Fees
School Uniforms & Shoes
Supplies & Backpacks
Feminine Hygiene & Health
AGHF Adult Mentors