COVID-19 Update

In the midst of the devastating toil COVID-19 has taken in the world, Kenya has been forced to shut down many of the markets that families depend on for their livelihood. Please join us as we seek to provide monetary resources to buy staple items like flour, beans and sugar to feed the families of our AGHF orphan girls for the next 2 weeks.


*Dear African Girls Hope Foundation - AGHF 

As COVID-19 continue to spread, there’s nothing more important than the well-being of our families and friends.  I want to encourage you to take care of yourselves and stay safe.

We know it’s critical that we practice social distancing as much as possible in order to help slow the spread of COVID-19 and help our health system.  Due to the current situation of social distancing, I encourage every AGHF team to take seriously and follow the recommendations to protect ourselves and families by practicing social distancing. I also urge friends and families to comply with the rules set by the authorities about all hygienic practices.

Stay safe with your family.  There is no better time to stand together (digitally) to help each other through this storm and come out stronger than before! 

For additional information about COVID-19, visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at


Dr. Grace Faraja


Happy International Women’s Day